As a new year dawns, its an ideal time to gather our thoughts and refocus our minds. A new start provides a good opportunity to recharge and motivate and to set new goals and objectives.
I’m not big on new year resolutions, but I am however, keen on taking the time to reflect on where we’ve been and set our focus on where we’re heading — its the right time to take a look back with perspective and to look forward with great hope and energy.
I say with great hope because that’s the truth — rather than ruminating on what was and stressing about what is not yet, we should be kind to ourselves and look toward the future with optimism and positivity.
To help kick off the new year, here are just a few of the things we should tell ourselves every day:
“I am good enough.”
None of is perfect and we all have room to grow. We all make mistakes and no matter what, always know that you are worthy and you are good enough!“I will keep trying.”
What more can we do, but to keep trying? We may not always get it right, so we just have to keep giving it our best effort.“I will stay positive.”
Focus on the positives in life and be grateful for all that you have. Good attracts good, so appreciate even the little things.“I choose happiness.”
Each and every day, consciously choose to be a happy. Wake up and as soon as you can, remind yourself that happiness is a conscious choice — imagine the life you want and focus on it with mindful thought.
Every one of us counts and we all have value and merit. Let the new year be the start of a new, brighter life and commit to making this upcoming year a great one, because you deserve it!