Christians Need To Be Especially Vigilant are living in what some might call surreal times. In fact, I’m one of those people who say that, because it seems so obvious. As usual, one party in particular has yet again, decided to claim the moral high ground.


Anyone who has been paying attention has noted that the right leaning side of our political spectrum has a tendency to claim that they are in fact, “good Christians.” Now of course, some are, but we’re not really talking about individual people as much as we are about the party apparatus. Readers of our articles know that we take umbrage with people who say one thing, then do another — in other words, hypocrites.

Recently, a gentleman who need not be referenced by name (hint: he’s the richest man in the world) has raised eyebrows by his callous, downright cruel handling of cutting government waste. He is alleged to have said dehumanizing things to the employees as well as about them in the press, calling into question their honesty and work ethic — bear in mind, there are 2 million government employees, so most are just regular Americans trying to make ends meet.

As for regular Americans, the richest man in the world has stated he wants to gut social security and medicare, even hinting at eliminating them and called Americans who need any kind of government assistance “parasites.”  Yes, the wealthiest man on the planet had the nerve to call the rest of us — the 99% of us…”parasites.”  Nice, right?

In one tactless display of cruelty at a Republican rally, the richest man in the world callously held up a chainsaw and mocked the people who lost their jobs, as well all of the Americans who have lost, or will lose their benefits.

In what is truly a telling revelation of the nature of many on the Christian right, not one of them spoke up or told him to tone it down. Not one realized that the impact would be dire for countless Americans, nor did they seem to care, as a man worth at the time north of $350 billion, laughed manically at their plight.

False Christians Abound

Lets call it what it is: false Christians speaking with a forked tongue. These people are an absolute abomination, because they are unquestionably false prophets and wolves in sheep’s clothing. They mock Christ by claiming to love Him, yet totally ignoring His teachings and commandments.

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ – Matthew 25:40

The Bible is chocked full of passages that come right out and tell us that God is commanding us to be kind, fair, generous and loving. It is indisputable that God is telling us to turn the other cheek and always be merciful. But I can only assume that the pious on the Christian right, must have missed all that. Or what is most likely the case, they just choose to completely ignore it because it conflicts with their own personal politics and hatred. Gee, how very Christian of them.

“For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.” – 2 Corinthians 11:13-15


Will these hypocrites be punished? I have no doubt they will, but that is for God do decide. But personally, I think they live in their own personal turmoil and misery here on earth, because they are consumed with anger, bitterness, jealousy and outright hatred.

Christians who truly believe in and follow Christ know that none of us are perfect, but that we each need to try every day to be good and live as Christ taught us. Be alert, because there are many who will use silky words to convince you of their goodness, while plotting to deceive you through their wickedness. Be vigilant, because we are living in very surreal times.
