The Only True Reason For The Season people all across the world prepare to celebrate Christmas day, its always a good idea to take a minute away from all of the holiday mania, and reflect on the only true reason for this season. And the true reason, is miraculous.


Christmas is the day that Christians observe as a celebration for the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. And in truth, its more than just a day, its a season — a time that is centered around love, kindness, family, friends and hopefully, peace. The Christmas season is a beautiful one, because the main reason…the only true reason that we celebrate, is the gift from God of his Son and our Savior.

This piece by the Reverend James Allen Francis is a moving reminder that Jesus is and always will be, the most important man to have ever lived:

He was born in an obscure village.
A Child of a peasant woman.
He grew up in another village where He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty.
And for three years, He was an itinerant preacher.

He never owned a home.
He never wrote a book.
He never held an office.
He never had a family of His own.
He never went to college.
He never set foot in a big city.
He never traveled 200 miles from the place He was born.
He never did any of the things that usually accompany greatness.
He had no credentials but Himself.

He was only thirty-three when the popular opinion turned against him.
His friends ran away.
One of His friends even denied Him.
He was turned over to His enemies.
He went through the mockery of a trial.
He was nailed to a cross between two thieves.
While He was dying, His executioners gambled for His clothing, the only
property He had on this earth.
When he was dead, He was laid in a borrowed grave through the pity of a friend.

Twenty long centuries have come and gone and today, He is still the centerpiece of the human race, and leader of the mankind’s progress.

All the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever sailed, all the parliaments that ever sat, and all the kings that ever reigned, all put together, have not affected the lives on this Earth as powerfully as has that one solitary life.

Merry Christmas to all and let us celebrate the birth and life of our Savior, by being good, kind, compassionate, generous and loving people.
