The very best things in life really are free. Love, family, compassion, faith — all of these things are free and yet, their value is immeasurable. There are so many things just as important and just as free of cost.
Every now and then, we all need reminding that being kind and courteous costs nothing, but goes a very long way in having a fulfilled, positive life. The same is true about things that we all can do, which require no special talent or skill, but show the world that we are a person of quality.
Being a positive, productive person is a process and certain aspects we can actually lead off with almost immediately. Here are 10 things that are valuable, yet require no discernible talent, but will help kick-start a life of positivity.
1. Being on time
2. Making an effort
3. Being kind
4. Being positive
5. Having interests and passions
6. Being open and teachable
7. Having strong ethics
8. Being honest
9. Making time for family and friends
10. Having concern for others
You probably notice that each of these ten valuable traits and habits are active, in that they require a mindful action — being, having, making. Being an active participant in positivity is vitally important, because it requires conscious thought and then positive action.
Which of these do you already do? Today is a great day to incorporate all of these ten traits and habits into daily life. Let the positivity flow!
“Mindfulness gives you time. Time gives you choices. Choices, skillfully made, lead to freedom.” – Bhante H. Gunaratana