Does the debate as to whether positive affirmations work or not continue to rage? Did it ever really rage? No, but it is an important question and the answer may surprise you.
Positive affirmations are basically statements which we can can use to change our mind-set and even our habits. The key to their success lay in their ability to replace negative and unproductive thought and beliefs, with positive ones, which will then lead to a change in our outlook and approach to life.
On their own though, positive affirmation aren’t necessarily a strong enough catalyst to create real, long-term positive change — that power comes from a deep and conscious desire to make a positive change, with affirmations being one component of bringing that change to fruition.
For example, if a person wakes up every morning and says “today will be a good day,” without mindfully wanting it to be a good day and without the willingness to help make it a good day, nothing may change. If however, we not only say the affirmation, but genuinely want it to be true, believe it to be possible and we mindfully draw the positivity inwards, it will very likely work.
These affirmations are a great way to start. The best way for them to work is to pick the one(s) you fee most strongly about, and repeat them as you’re able to — its also particularly helpful to create your own, as personal ones are even better. To get you started…
1. “Today, I will be happy, confident and content.”
2. “I am feeling positive, happy, healthy and strong.”
3. “I am confident, secure and capable.”
4. “I am excited to wake up on this new day and I will experience life with happiness in my heart.”
5. “Feeling confident and secure is a normal part of my life and I have all that I need to make this a great day.”
6. “I have always been good enough, smart enough and strong enough.”
7. “I reject all negative feelings about myself and my life and I consciously accept all that is good.”
8. “I am happy and content with my life and grateful for all that I have.”
9. “My mind and my life are filled with peace and happiness.”
10. “I am filled with love and kindness and I’m thankful for another day on this earth.”
Positivity is something we need to work at. The first step is to want it bad enough to consciously make the necessary changes. Good luck and remember, if you will it, you can make it come true.
“Plant seeds of expectation in your mind; cultivate thoughts that anticipate achievement. Believe in yourself as being capable of overcoming all obstacles and weaknesses.” ― Norman Vincent Peale