Have you ever heard the expression, “the best things in life are free?” When you stop to think about it, that really is true and those free, wonderful things, are at the ready to bring us all true, lasting happiness.
There has been a lot of talk about greed and hedonism lately. A lot of people are awakening to the realization that we’ve been led down a path of self-pleasure and unbridled greed — one in which too much is still not enough and getting less for more is the new norm — and we’re being conditioned to like it that way. But we don’t like it, do we? We’re all a bit tired of being told that objects and things make us happy, when at the end of they day, the opposite is often true.
A friend posted this on social media and it really spoke to me and to the vibe we’re all feeling in the world today:
“A man is rich, whose heart is light,
Whose pleasures are simple, and his joys in sight,
He finds delight, in nature’s gentle breeze,And sunshine warms his soul, with effortless ease.
His wealth is measured, not in gold or might,
But in the beauty, of a peaceful night,A walk in the woods, a book by the fire,
These are the treasures, that his heart desires.
He is the richest, who can find delight,In the smallest pleasures, that life brings to sight,
A child’s laughter, a friend’s warm embrace,
These are the riches, that fill his heart with grace.So let us not be fooled, by wealth’s disguise,
For true richness lies, in a heart that’s wise,
That finds joy in the simple things,
And treasures love, above all earthly rings.”
A person who is light of heart and who is positive and kind, is a happier person. Someone who finds the simple pleasures to be the most valuable, thrives in life, rather than just surviving. Those who love and protect nature and wildlife are in harmony with this life. The truth is, love, compassion, generosity and positivity are all free and all are the most valuable things in life. Knowing this, why do we wait so long to let those valuable, free gifts guide us on our path in life? The time to accept the free gifts in this life, is now.