These days, wondering what is “wrong with people” is a pretty common ponderance. Every day it seems as if someone is perplexed by the words and actions of our fellow man and truth be told, I am one of those people. What indeed is wrong with people?
Negative Nellie’s
What has attracted people’s attention is the meteoric rise in the number of negative naysayers and malcontents, most of whom are also know-it-alls and self-proclaimed experts on pretty much any and every topic. If the story is about economics…they can fix it, despite having never spent a day studying economics. Politics? No worries…they can solve most of the world’s crises right from their living room. Any issue, they have the answer and everyone else is getting it wrong. These folk are “Monday morning Quaterbacks” who love to preach and blather about how stupid everyone else is.
Sadly though, it is these same blowhards who are very often the most miserable and negative. Mired in fear and quite afraid of the world, they secretly need that one person who can solve all of the problems that they fear in this world — they seek someone who they pin all of their hopes to. However, as time goes on and that person never materializes, they grow more fearful and that fear leads to more negative and then aggressive behavior.
The editorial of the “empty vessel” is a good explanation of these people:
EDITORIAL: Empty vessels make the most noise
Where have all the manners gone?
Empty vessels make the most noise.” – Plato
Empty vessels make the most noise is a proverb that means those with the least knowledge and least talent are the ones who often speak the loudest and the most.
We all know these types.
They never seem to look for the good in anyone or anything and are often critical, rude and judgemental. They are usually the first to tell you what you’re doing wrong. For your own good of course.
Unfortunately, today’s ease of communication (social media and email) gives them a quick and easy platform – unlike the consequences they would experience in face-to-face interaction.
Sadly, it seems people are ruder today making one wonder ‘where have all the manners gone?’
There’s a lot lost in communication without the benefits of good old-fashioned face-to-face interaction because the majority of communication is non-verbal, the tone of voice, body movements and eye contact. So when people communicate with each other through text, email or social media it’s easier to be rude.
But this begs the question, is social media and email really making people ruder or is it just bringing out one’s true colours?
There are various reasons people are brave enough to be rude online.
Some like the power it gives them because let’s face it, negativity seems to be more popular and gets more attention than being positive.
Some enjoy putting others down. It makes them feel better about themselves.
Some are so self-centred they never think about the person or group they are attacking.
And, as the saying goes, misery loves company so some people find comfort and a sense of belonging with others in negativity.
Regardless, what is important to remember is that the majority of those who are “brave” enough to be rude online often don’t have the confidence – or courage – to say the same thing to your face.
One UK poll suggests that only 15 per cent of those polled had the confidence to walk into a room where they didn’t know anyone but a whopping 62 per cent felt confident enough to put a profile on a social media networking website.
So the next time someone is rude to you online, or in an email, just remember it’s not you. It’s really not. But rather, it’s a reflection of who that person is because their negativity and rudeness usually stem from their own fears.
That said, have compassion for the negative, empty person, don’t engage and stay positive.
Above all, remember, as Edmund Burke once said, “Rudeness is the weak man’s imitation of strength.”
– The exact source of this editorial is unclear, but appears to have been written by Lisa Joy in The Stettler Independent
Giving Them A Soapbox
“Regardless, what is important to remember is that the majority of those who are “brave” enough to be rude online often don’t have the confidence – or courage – to say the same thing to your face….”
This quote from this excellent editorial sums it up quite well. Have these empty vessels that act as if they know it all and scream down any opposition become more prominent — or, has the internet given them a soapbox from which they can now spread their negativity far-and-wide?
The internet has in fact empowered the blowhards among us, most of whom are empty vessels. They talk a good game…at first…but then show their true nature and one quickly learns they quite literally, are all talk and no substance. If these empty vessels can scare or agitate you, they will do so gleefully. One might rightfully ask why they are so eager to make you as uptight, stressed and agitated as they are, and the answer is: misery loves company.
Too many people with lots of opinions but few facts, are using the internet to spread negativity, division, strife and anxiety — the solution to this, is to simply identify them and ignore them. When we encounter one, its best not to engage them or share facts with them, as they are hard-wired to argue, deny, reject and attack — and who needs to deal with people like that on the internet, when you can simply just ignore them?
“Save your skin from the corrosive acids from the mouths of toxic people. Someone who just helped you to speak evil about another person can later help another person to speak evil about you.” – Israelmore Ayivor