As the new year is still fresh, many people will begin to fulfill their new year resolutions with gusto. One resolution everyone should make, is to resolve to be positive and happy.
Happiness is a choice and so is positivity. Making that choice isn’t always easy and it takes focus and effort, but the rewards and benefits are many. Positive affirmations, while not a magic pill, are very helpful in keeping us focused on positivity. Using a positive affirmation each morning and indeed throughout the day, helps to re-focus us back on our goal of being happy, fulfilled and positive.
These 12 positive affirmations are a good starting point, but as always, create your own as you you see fit and remember to repeat them whenever you need to focus in on the positive:
1. “Today, I will be happy, confident and content.”
2. “I feel positive, healthy and strong.”
3. “Today is a good day and I will stay positive.”
4. “Feeling confident and secure is a normal part of my life and I have all that I need to be happy.”
5. “I am and always have been good enough, smart enough and strong enough.”
6. “I reject all negative feelings and emotions and in their place, I embrace hope and optimism.”
7. “I will be patient, calm and in control of my feelings.”
8. “I greet this day with serenity in my mind and my body.”
9. “I have the power and ability to create all the success and prosperity that I desire.”
10. “I’m in control of my life. I let go of stagnant, negative beliefs that have stood in the way of my happiness.”
11. “My life is an adventure and every day, I discover new and interesting paths to pursue.”
12. “The universe is filled with endless opportunities and I pursue them with purpose and vigor.”
“Positive thinking is powerful thinking. If you want happiness, fulfillment, success and inner peace, start thinking you have the power to achieve those things. Focus on the bright side of life and expect positive results.” ― Germany Kent