We Have To Do More Than Just Wish

https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063484929929Life would be marvelous if all we had to do was to wish for what we want and no matter what, it would appear. Unfortunately, it rarely, if ever, works that way. And that’s actually a good thing in the overall scheme of things.


I read a post on social media and when I processed it, I immediately thought the message was in some way, a bit pollyannaish. The gist of it, which I’ve posted below, is that if you really want something, all you have to do is want it bad enough and then voila, like magic, it will all fall into place. Take a look:

I don’t know who wrote these words because there was no author indicated and I’m not at all criticizing it, because in one aspect, it’s actually accurate: The first step to wanting a good life, really is to make that unwavering, determined decision that we do want it – that we have decided that for us, a good, happy and quality life is our objective.  I believe that its vital that we remember that making that decision, equates to a form of action.

We all know that being a positive thinker doesn’t mean that we can just wish for something and then sitting back, expecting it all to fall into place with no further effort. For one thing, I don’t believe that the universe fully works that way, because not everything we think we want, is something we should get.

Wanting it Bad Enough to Take Action

I think the reality is, wanting something and getting it are two different things and I believe that the above wisdom needs to be followed with a consciously developed plan of action, For example:

  • What constitutes and defines a good life?
  • What about my the life that I have now, do I want to change and why?
  • How do I make those changes?
  • What do I envision my life to be like once I make those changes?

Of course, it’s different for each person based on their present circumstances, but the important thing is that after deciding we want a good life, what plan do we develop and follow to make that happen? I believe that once we have a plan and a positive attitude, yes, the universe will start helping and the people we need and the doors that we need open, will start to happen. Changing our  mindset means that we attract good and we start to notice good in our life and that propels us forward to reaching our goal.

“The closer you come to knowing that you alone create the world of your experience, the more vital it becomes for you to discover just who is doing the creating.”  ― Eric Micha’el Leventhal
