There are times when it seems like Americans have become irreparably divided. Times when it feels like all we do is disagree and argue. Times when it seems like there is no hope for healing. But, it only seems that way.
I admit that sometimes I feel as if our world has gone mad and I dread turning on the news, because all we seem to get is negativity and hostility. There is no denying that Americans are divided politically and culturally and some Americans make that divide abundantly clear, because they refuse to give an inch. However, those malcontents may very well be in the minority.
America has always had issues of divide and that is historical, searchable fact. Consider WW II — half of us wanted to get involved, the other half didn’t and it got pretty tense. Think about the 60’s — talk about divided. The 70’s were just a bit better, but turmoil threatened to boil over many times. Look at the cold war era of the 80’s and the raging debate over nuclear weapons and you’ll quickly learn that Americans were very much at odds.
So What Makes Today Different?
Today, we still have our major differences on social and political issues, but perhaps no more than we used. But what has changed, is that now, those differences are being magnified/exaggerated and capitalized on by our foes. Here are just a few ways in which the tone is the same, but the perception is not:
– 24 x 7 news: The phenomena of the never ending news cycle means that the “news” media needs to fill the airwaves and trust me, to do so, they will use hype and hysteria to get us to tune in.
– Social media: Read up on some history and you learn that when all that we had were newspapers, word of mouth and a scattering of radios in people’s homes, Americans weren’t being saturated with constant negativity — we were blissfully spared from the hype and mania. Today, add social media on top of the 24×7 news cycle and its no wonder it seems like things are irreparably damaged.
Politics: Politicians have always spoken negatively about their opponent, but today, its gotten out of control. Politicians today use a scorched earth approach to campaigning and they will outright lie to falsely paint their opponent as evil incarnate — but notice how today, politicians rarely tell you why you should vote for them, because they’re so busy telling us why we should not vote for their opponent.
Foreign adversaries: We all know factually that our foreign adversaries are using social media and other means to cause the divide. We read comments that make it look like they’re being made by our fellow Americans, but are actually being made my our adversaries (they too can set up accounts to comment on news articles). Our foreign adversaries post things all over social media and those inflammatory comments are designed to create fear and paranoia and to divide us — and despite knowing this, so many of us keep falling for it.
A friend recently shared a quote by fitness guru Jake Steinfeld about disasters that have taken place, which warrants sharing:
“It is not about being Red or Blue. It’s about being Red, White and Blue.”. If you sit back and really think about all the weather related disasters that have happened in the USA, you will find that Americans always pull together to help one another out. Emotions run high everyplace. Just pick any subject matter and it could explode into a heated disagreement with those who have different views. I personally have been working on being a better person and not allowing negative feelings inside my mind or heart. I have witnessed people with different views donate enough goods and warm clothing to fill my truck and an enclosed trailer to help those in NC. Those who did so did not ask what were the political views, what were the medical views or whatever of those in need. It does not matter. I had a second large donation which bought 48 propane tanks and 8 propane adapter hoses for the same people in need. I am sure the victims in CA will find the same help from caring Americans. So remember it is about being Red, White and Blue when it comes to helping those in need. You do make a difference.”
Jake is absolutely correct. At the end of the day, we come together to help one another and that is the way it should be. We put aside perceived and real differences to lend a hand — to be neighborly and compassionate. The divide we’re seeing is real, but its not nearly as drastic as the media, our politicians or our foreign adversaries would have us believe.
There is so much every single American can do to help heal our country and it literally does start with you and with me. For example:
Soften our hearts and open up: Want peace and harmony bad enough that you’ll let go of anger and replace it with calm and understanding.
Listen more: Part of the challenge is that we’re all so busy speaking, we’re not recognizing that ultimately, we’re not that far apart. We need to let others speak and we in turn, need to speak calmly and not let fear and anger escalate.
Be more open minded: Maybe you’re wrong? Have you considered that possibility? We all need to be open enough to consider other viewpoints, even if it doesn’t ultimately change our opinions. The point is, we need to consider that maybe we’re misguided or misinformed.
Turn the channel: Consider other news sources, even if for only a week. Don’t become glued to any one news source, whether online, on TV or in print. Diversify sources.
Let go of the obsession with politics: We can’t deny this anymore — we have been force-fed so much political news because it generates views and clicks and the news media knows this. It is completely unhealthy for us to be so consumed politics. Let it go and while you’re at it, tell politicians we demand they tell us why we should vote for them and not why we shouldn’t vote for their opponent.
Be aware: Our foreign adversaries are at all times, using our own media against us, so always be wary of the extreme views you read on social media or in comment sections. Make no mistake, they are absolutely trying to divide us even more and they will stop at nothing in their efforts — stop them my not falling for it.
Talk to your neighbors: Get to know them. Care about them as you want them to care about you. Speak of good things and not controversial things. Who cares if they’re different from you…because after all, you too are then different from them. Lets bring civility back.
There are of course so many ways to bring us back together, so please consider searching for expert articles on how to heal the divide. We want to leave our country in better shape for our children, so we all need to put in the effort now.