How do we become better people? What do we do to help us grow and improve in our lives? The answer is not so simple, but for Christians, the answer always starts with faith.
Faith itself can be a bit tricky. Not in a bad way mind you, but in the sense that once we recognize what true faith is, it does require a consistent and pure-of-heart effort to manifest it in daily life. There are many definitions of the word faith and all one need do is look at a Dictionary to see that. However, faith, as in having faith in God, is fortunately more direct.
My personal definition of faith is not just to believe, but to know — to know that God is real and God is all powerful and that God is pure love and holy goodness. It is a deep, unwavering acceptance that God is in control and we should willingly and happily put our lives in His hands and His will. Faith is also knowing that Jesus is our Savior and that what He teaches us is, without question, the way we are to think, behave and live our lives. Jesus is the way.
Knowing all of this, we all still sometimes do have doubts — its hard to admit that, but we are after all, only human. However, having those doubts or going astray doesn’t mean that we’re lost, because with faith, love and the desire, we can get back on the right track.
I have a friend who seems to be a passionate Christian. He says that he loves and believes in God and that he “follows” Jesus and indeed, he does seem to know a lot of Bible passages. However, I used the word “seems” because sometimes he only seems like a passionate Christian. This friend of mine is also a political ideologue and very often, he seems much more interested in earthly politics than in living as if he truly is a passionate Christian. I say this because at times, the words that come out of his mouth and off his keyboard, fly in direct opposition of what we as Christians are taught — in other words, he too often says one thing, but does another.
So how do we follow the teachings of Jesus? How do we live according to the will of God? What do we need to do to maintain faith? All excellent questions and ones that ultimately, no one else can really answer for us. The truth is, each and every one of us needs to have a direct and personal relationship with God and our Savior Jesus.
That being said, I do believe there are things we can do and ways we can speak, act and live, that will help us be the children God wants us to be. Here are ten habits and traits to consider:
1. Focus and reflect on the teachings and life of Jesus every day
2. Confirm daily to seek justice and reconciliation, not dominance or victory over others
3. Think, speak and act in the manner of love and compassion, for God is love
4. Pray to God to surrender your will and to follow His
5. Pray daily for God to guide you to help others
6. Seek the strength to forsake harsh judgment and condemnation
7. Ask for the strength and wisdom to let kindness and love rule your heart
8. Pray for guidance on how to help your fellow man and to never harm them
9. Ask for the strength and wisdom to be good in mind, body and spirit
10. Pray fervently for forgiveness and the will to repent
I wholeheartedly believe that to live as Jesus teaches us, means we must try our very best, every single day. I firmly believe it means to replace all hatred, jealousy and vindictiveness that may dwell in our hearts with love, compassion, friendship, generosity, kindness and faith — faith being absolutely vital. After all, if we say we have faith, we need to live by that — this is why it always astounds me when someone puts their faith in a human politician, rather than with God, where it truly belongs.
If we claim to have faith, then we should behave that way and that means not living in fear, not feeling threatened by other people, not being harsh or overly critical and not being so judgemental.
“Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” — Matthew 17:20
“Know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ.” — Galatians 2:16
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” — Proverbs 3:5-6